How to reach Brescia

First of all, where is Brescia?!? A map is available here!

And a more detailed map of the city is available here (Virgilio mappe).

Then, some usefull information for reaching Brescia by:

By plane

The nearest airports are:

  • Aeroporti "Linate" e "Malpensa" di Milano:

  • Aeroporto "Gabriele d'Annunzio" di Montichiari (Brescia):

  • Aeroporto "Valerio Catullo" di Verona Villafranca:

  • Aeroporto "Orio al Serio" di Bergamo:

By train and bus

Brescia is well connected by train to all main cities of northen Italy, in particular to Milan and Venice.
All information on italian trains (timetables, costs...) are available from the home page of "Ferrovie dello Stato" at the following link:

You may reach Università Cattolica from the railway station of Brescia by bus:

  • linea B towards Via Verdi till P.zza Vittoria
  • linea C towards Mompiano till Via Mazzini
  • linea D towards Vill. Montini till Via IV Novembre
  • linea Q towards S. Polo till Corso Zanardelli
  • linea Q1 towards Poliambulanza till Corso Zanardelli

To reach Centro Pastorale Paolo VI:

  • linea D (bus stop is just outside railway station, on the right near bicycle deposit) towards via Lippi till via XXV Aprile, then you can go on on feet (about 600m) following this map:


By car

Brescia can be reached by autostrada A4 (Milano-Venezia)
exit: Brescia Centro.
Then follow indication for city centre or stadium (centro-stadio).

In particular:
Take Viale Duca degli Abruzzi untill via Duca d'Aosta, then turn right at the traffic lights into via Duca d'Aosta. At the crossing,i turn left towards via Mantova till P.zzale Arnaldo.
Move on towards via Turati and via Pusterla till crossing via Tito Speri; then, turn left into the tunnel, and at the exit of tunnel, turn left into via Musei

However, we suggest to park into the places located by the arrows in the following map (click to enlarge):

mappa parcheggi

On feet :-)

Have a nice hike!