How to reach Brescia
First of all, where is Brescia?!? A map is available here!
And a more detailed map of the city is available here
(Virgilio mappe).
Then, some usefull information for reaching Brescia by:
By plane |
The nearest airports are:
By train and bus |
Brescia is well connected by train to all main cities of northen Italy, in
particular to Milan and Venice.
You may reach Università Cattolica from the railway station of Brescia by bus:
To reach Centro Pastorale Paolo VI:
By car |
Brescia can be reached by autostrada A4 (Milano-Venezia)
In particular:
However, we suggest to park into the places located by the arrows in the following map (click to enlarge): |
On feet :-) |
Have a nice hike! |