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― Configuration code: RRUvDvLvDmUmLv

- Start from
- Rotate about the vertical axis such that the flap tile points north
- valley fold the two southern horizontal tiles together with the north vertical
tile, simultaneously fold the vertical wall of two tiles such that the common hinge
moves towards west
- We arrive to a 2x2 square with a stack of three tiles in the south-west position,
stacks of two tiles in the north-east and south-east positions
- reopen changing the hinging of the bottom two tiles in the south-west position
- continuing with the movement we arrive at a 2x2 square with a single tile at
the south-east position, stack of two tiles in the remaining positions and a
single flap tile that sticks out north of the square
- reopen changing the hinging side of the south-west stack and turning the
flap tile above the stack of two tiles (north-east).
The north-west tiles hinge around their west side, the lower of these tiles
must be forced on top of the east tiles (this require some stretching)
- We arrive at the final shape.