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― Configuration code: RRmDUmRmRmDvLm

- Start from
- Push down 90 degrees all four flaps in such a way that
- The resulting 2x2 square is composed of four stacks of two tiles
- The diagonals parallel to the wires on the top four tiles form the sides of a rhombus
(a square rotated 45 degrees).
In other words, the north-east and south-west tiles are of backslash type; the other
two are of slash type.
- Position the 2x2 square in such a way that (if necessary overturn it):
- The NW and the SE tiles on top of the corresponding stack are flaps
- Those two flaps are hinged about a horizontal (E-W) side.
- The next move is tricky and requires a fair amount of stretching on the wires:
The configuration should be opened in 3D by using the following hinging:
- The two NW tiles are hinged about their West (vertical) side
- The two NE tiles are hinged about their North side
- The two SE tiles are hinged about their East side
- The two SW tiles are hinged about their East(!) (vertical and internal to the 2x2 square) side.
This makes the lower SW tile a flap
- In the opening process the tile formerly on top of the NW stack must be forced under the
set of two East tiles on top of their respective stacks.