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― Configuration code: RmRmUmDvDmUvLvLv

- Start from
- Close it into a 3x2 rectangle with two stacks of two tiles in the South positions
- Fold into a 1x2 rectangle with a valley fold between the first and the second row
and a mountain fold between the second and third row.
Pay attention to keep the South row of two stacks on top of the resulting rectangle
- The resulting 1x2 rectangle is made of two stacks of four tiles each and oriented
such that the top tile of the stack on the West is of slash type
- Turn the top tile of the Western stack 180 degrees to the right.
As a result the East stack will contain five tiles
- Now locate the central tile of the East stack (with two tiles above and two
tiles below)
- By slightly opening the structure pull that tile towards South, it will bring along the
two tiles directly above and below; they will undergo a 180 degrees rotation in the
process, whereas the pulled tile will become a flap and translates down of a distance
twice the tile size
- This will result in a reverted L shape with two flaps that can be opened
in the final shape