Quaderni del Seminario Matematico: 1990
ISSN: 2039-120X
C. Giorgi
and B. Lazzari
- Uniqueness and stability in linear viscoelasticity:
some counterexamples.
J.M. Ghidaglia and
A. Marzocchi
- Long time behaviour of strongly damped wave
equations, global attractors and their dimension.
A. Quarteroni and A. Valli
- Theory and application of Steklov-Poincaré
operators for boundary-value problems.
M.A. Pellegrini
- F-sums: medial, permutable and LRD-near-rings.
A. Quarteroni and E. Zampieri
- A multilevel domain decomposition method for
elliptic problems.
F. Pasquarelli
- Domain Decomposition for the Spectral Approximation to
the Stokes Equations via Divergence Free Functions.
D. Pavoni and
A. Quarteroni
- Numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes
equations by domain decomposition methods.
M.L. Bernardi, F. Luterotti
, and G.A. Pozzi
- On some singular hyperbolic variational inequalities.
C. Giorgi
A. Marzocchi
- New variational principles in quasi-static viscoelasticity.
A. Benini
- Near-rings whose one-sided non nil ideals are gp-near-fields.
L. Di Martino and
M.C. Tamburini Bellani
Some remarks on the Degrees of faithful
irreducible representations of a finite p-group,
Geom. Dedicata 41
(1992), 155-164.
J.M. Ghidaglia and
A. Marzocchi
- Exact decay estimates for solutions to semilinear parabolic equations.
A. Benini and M.A. Pellegrini
- Invariant series in universal algebras,‡-groups and near-rings.
A. Braides
- Reiterated homogenization of integral functionals.
A. Frati,
F. Pasquarelli, and
A. Quarteroni
- Spectral approximation to advection-diffusion problems
by the fictitious interface method.
A. Quarteroni
- An introduction to spectral methods for partial
differential equations.
A. Benini and M.A. Pellegrini
- w-Jordan near-rings: I°.
A. Marzocchi
- Approximate Inertial Manifolds for Damped Korteweg-de
Vries Equations.
B. Bigolin and C. Perelli Cippo
- Remarques sur les drapeaux integraux des
systemes differentiels exterieurs (drapeaux caracteristique).
S. Pianta
- Projective embedding of fibered groups and the Suzuki groups,
Ann. Discrete Math. 52
(1992), 463-469.
A. Benini and M.A. Pellegrini
- Near-rings with left and right self
distributive multiplication.
E. Giacomelli and A. Piccinelli
- Sistemi esperti per problemi di marketing.
Mar 09, 2025