Quaderni del Seminario Matematico: 1992
ISSN: 2039-120X
M. Degiovanni
and S. Lancelotti
A note on nonsmooth functionals with infinitely many critical values,
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. B (7) 7
(1993), 289-297.
A. Benini and M.A. Pellegrini
- w-Jordan near-rings II.
R. Gow and
M.C. Tamburini Bellani
Generation of SL(n,Z) by a Jordan unipotent
matrix and its transpose,
Linear Algebra Appl. 181
(1993), 63-71.
F. Morini
On orthodox near-rings,
PU.M.A. Ser. A 3
(1992), 61-71.
A. Marzocchi
- Attractors for the damped Klein-Gordon equation in an
infinite strip.
C. Perelli Cippo
and S. Vassallo
- Sistemi differenziali esterni a coefficienti polinomi omogenei.
Y. Maday and D. Pavoni
- Spectral approximation of axisimetric stokes flows.
M. Cavalli and F. Saleri
- Approximation of potential field and electron
trajectories in lens systems.
C. Carlenzoli and
P. Gervasio
- Implementation of the dirichlet-neumann
procedure on hypercube architecture.
V.I. Agoshkov, D. Ambrosi, V. Pennati,
A. Quarteroni, and F. Saleri
- Mathematical and numerical modelling of shallow water flow.
M.C. Tamburini Bellani and S. Vassallo
(2,3)-Generazione di SL (4,q) in
caratteristica dispari e problemi collegati,
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. B (7) 8
(1994), 121-134.
S. Damonti and G. Resconi
- A Compartment study of Hamiltonian and not
Hamiltonian system.
C. Cotti Ferrero and F. Morini
On near-rings in which the ideals are annihilators,
Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma (5) 2
(1993), 1-10.
M. Degiovanni
Variational methods in nonsmooth analysis,
Nonlinear Variational Problems and Partial
Differential Equations (Isola d'Elba, 1990), 129-143, Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser.,
320, Longman Sci. Tech., Harlow, 1995.
Mar 09, 2025