Quaderni del Seminario Matematico: 2000
ISSN: 2039-120X
A. Marzocchi
and S. Zandonella Necca
Attractors for dynamical systems in topological spaces.
B. Alinovi and H. Karzel
Halfordered chain structures II.
M. Squassina
Weak solutions to general euler's equations via nonsmoooth
critical point theory,
Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (1) 9
(2000), 113-131.
S. Paleari
M. Squassina
Multiplicity results for perturbed symmetric quasilinear elliptic
Differential Integral Equations (7) 14
(2001), 785-800.
D. Boffi
L. Gastaldi
Finite element approximation of Maxwell's eigenproblem,
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Numerical Mathematics
and Advanced Applications, Jyvaskyla (P. Neittaanmäki, T. Tiihonen and P. Tarvainen, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 2000.
D. Boffi
, C. Chinosi, and
L. Gastaldi
Penalized approximation of the vibration frequencies of a fluid in a
(2000), 31-43.
D. Boffi
, M. Farina, and
L. Gastaldi
On the approximation of Maxwell's eigenproblem in general 2D domains,
Computer and Structures,
in press.
D. Boffi
, F. Brezzi, and
L. Gastaldi
On the problem of spurious eigenvalues in the approximation of linear
elliptic problems in mixed form,
Math. Comp. 69
(2000), 121-140.
D. Boffi
, P. Fernandes,
L. Gastaldi, and I. Perugia
Computational models of electromagnetic resonators: analysis of edge
element approximation,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 36
(1999), 1264-1290.
M. Paolini
F. Pasquarelli
Numerical simulation of crystalline curvature flow in 3D
by interface diffusion,
Free Boundary Problema: theory and applications II (N. Kenmochi ed.), GAKUTO Internat. Ser. Math. Sci. Appl., 376--389,
14, Gakk\"otosho, Tokyo, 2000.
M. Squassina
Perturbed S1-symmetric Hamiltonian systems,
Appl. Math. Lett. 14 (3)
(2001), 375-380.
M. Negri and
M. Paolini
Numerical minimization of the Mumford-Shah functional,
Calcolo 38
(2001), 67--84.
M.G. Naso
and E. Vuk
On the exponential stability of electromagnetic systems
with memory,
Int. Math. J. 1 (6)
(2002), 575-590.
E. Zizioli
Connections between loop of exponent 2, reflection structures
and complete graphs with parallelism.
L. Fatone
P. Gervasio
, and
A. Quarteroni
Multimodels for incompressible flows: iterative solutions
for the Navier-Stokes/Oseen coupling,
M2AN 35
(2001), 549-574.
A. Marzocchi
, J.E. Munoz Rivera, and
M.G. Naso
Asymptotic behavior and exponential stability for a transmission problem in thermoelasticity,
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 25
(2002), 955-980.
L. Fatone
P. Gervasio
, and
A. Quarteroni
Iterative solutions of multimodels for incompressible flows,
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Numerical Mathematics
and Advanced Applications, Jyvaskyla (P. Neittaanmäki, T. Tiihonen and P. Tarvainen, eds.), 470--477, World Scientific, Singapore, 2000.
L. Fatone
P. Gervasio
, and
A. Quarteroni
Numerical solution of vascular flows by heterogeneous
domain decomposition method,
Domain Decomposition Methods in Sciences and Engineering.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Domain Decomposition
Methods, Chiba, Japan, 1999 (T. Chan, T. Kako, H. Kawarada, O. Pironneau, eds.), 297-304, DDM.org, Japan, 2001.
M. Squassina
An eigenvalue problem for elliptic systems,
New York J. Math. 6
(2000), 95-106.
F. Luterotti
, G. Schimperna
, and U. Stefanelli
Global Solution to a Phase Field Model with Irreversible and
Constrained Phase Evolution,
Quart. Appl. Math.,
in press.
A. Lucchini
and F. Morini
On the probability of generating finite groups with a unique
minimal normal subgroup,
Pacific J. Math.,
in press.
C. Giorgi
, J.E. Munoz Rivera, and V. Pata
Global Attractors for a Semilinear Hyperbolic Equation in
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 260
(2001), 83-99.
G. Bellettini
, M. Novaga, and
M. Paolini
Characterization of facet--breaking for nonsmooth mean curvature
flow in the convex case,
Interfaces and Free Boundaries,
in press.
F. Ancona
and A. Marson
A wave-front tracking algorithm for NxN non genuinely nonlinear.
M.C. Tamburini Bellani and P. Zucca
On a question of M.Conder.
A. Lucchini
M.C. Tamburini Bellani
Tensor products of primitive modules.
A. Benini and F. Morini
Partially balanced incomplete block designs for weakly divisible nearrings.
E. Casella
On regularity and uniqueness of the solutions of a free boundary problem of heat transfer in incompressible fluids.
M.G. Naso
and E. Vuk
Uniform attractors for a semilinear evolution problem in hereditary simple fluids,
Internat. J. Engrg. Sci. 40 (7)
(2002), 727-742.
A. Marzocchi
, J.E. Munoz Rivera, and
M.G. Naso
Transmission problem in thermoelasticity with symmetry,
IMA J. Appl. Math. 68 (1)
(2003), 23-46.
M. Squassina
Multiple critical points for perturbed symmetric functionals
associated with quasilinear elliptic problems,
Nonlinear Anal. 47
(2001), 1605-1616.
B. Alinovi and H. Karzel
Convexity considerations in halfordered sets and splittings
by chains.
P. Secchi
On slightly compressible ideal flow in the halfplane,
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 161
(2002), 231-255.
P. Secchi
Life span of 2-D irrotational compressible fluids in the halfplane,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 25
(2002), 895-910.
G. Gentili and
C. Giorgi
Mathematical models for phase transitions at low temperature,
Dissipative phase transitions (Cortona, 2004), P.Colli, N.Kenmochi, J.Sprekels eds., Ser. Adv. Math. Appl. Sci. 71, World Sci. Publishing, Singapore, 2005.
E. Zizioli
Relations between certain classes of incidence loops,
codes and chain structures.
D. Boffi
L. Gastaldi
On the -grad div + s curl rot operator,
Proc. of MIT First Conference on "Computational fluid and solid mechanics", K.J. Bathe, editor, Elsevier
(2001), 1526-1529.
D. Boffi
L. Gastaldi
On the quadrilateral Q2-P1 element for the Stokes problem,
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 39
(2002), 1001-1011.
L. Gastaldi
A priori error estimates for the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation with finite elements,
East-West J. Numer. Math 9
(2001), 123-156.
M. Squassina
and C. Tarsi
Multiple solutions for quasilinear elliptic problems in R^2 with exponential growth,
Manuscripta Math. 106
(2001), 315-337.
E. Casella
P. Secchi
, and
P. Trebeschi
Global existence of 2D slightly compressible viscous,
Port. Math.(N.S.) 59
(2002), 67-89.
Mar 09, 2025