Quaderni del Seminario Matematico: 2002
ISSN: 2039-120X
E. Casella
P. Secchi
, and
P. Trebeschi
Global classical solutions for MHD system,
J.Math. Fluid Mech. 5
(2003), 70-91.
P. Secchi
Pointwise decay for solutions of the 2D Neumann exterior problem for the wave equation,
Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. Sez. B Artic. Ric. Mat. 8
(2004), 189-206.
M. Clapp and
M. Squassina
Nonhomogeneous polyharmonic elliptic problems at critical growth with symmetric data,
Commun. Pure Appl. Anal.,
in press.
A. Lucchini
and F. Morini
The probability of generating a permutation group,
Arch. Math.,
in press.
P. Gervasio
Virtual Control for both Fourth-Order Problems and Heterogeneous Fourth-Order Second-Order Coupling,
"Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications", Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications.(ENUMATH 2001),
in press.
J.E. Munoz Rivera,
M.G. Naso
, and E. Vuk
Asymptotic behavior of the energy for electromagnetic systems with memory,
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 27
(2004), 819-841.
A. Marzocchi
A. Musesti
Balanced virtual powers in Continuum Mechanics.
A. Marzocchi
and E. Vuk
Global Attractor for Damped Semilinear Elastic Beam Equations with Memory,
Z.A.M.P. 54
(2003), 224-23.
A. Marzocchi
A. Musesti
The Cauchy Stress Theorem on dispersed bodies.
D. Boffi
L. Gastaldi
Eigenmodes computation on quadrilateral meshes,
Computing and Visualization in Science 4
(2001), 87-92.
D. Boffi
L. Gastaldi
Edge finite elements for the approximation of Maxwell resolvent operator,
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, M2AN 36
(2002), 293-305.
D.N. Arnold,
D. Boffi
, R.S. Falk, and
L. Gastaldi
Finite element approximation on quadrilateral meshes,
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 17
(2001), 805-812.
F. Dalla Volta, A. Lucchini
, and F. Morini
Some remarks on the probability of generating an almost simple group.
M. Fabrizio,
C. Giorgi
, and
M.G. Naso
Free energies, stability and attractors in viscoelasticity of exponential type,
Meccanica 39
(2004), 531-546.
G. Bellettini
M. Paolini
errata corrige to the paper: some results on minimal barriers in the sense of De Giorgi applied to driven motion by mean curvature.
C. Giorgi
and F.M. Vegni
On the dissipative semigroup associated to the semilinear Mindlin-Timoshenko beam with memory,
Math. Comp. Modeling 39
(2004), 1005-1021.
E. Casella
P. Trebeschi
A global existence result in Sobolev spaces for MHD system in the half-plane,
Rend. Sem. Mat.Univ. Padova 108
(2002), 79-91.
E. Detomi and A. Lucchini
Crowns and factorization of the probabilistic zeta function of a finite group.
F. Gazzola, H.C. Grunau, and
M. Squassina
Existence and non-existence results for critical growth biharmonic elliptic equations,
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations,
in press.
E. Casella
On the existence of a weak solution to a 2D free boundary problem with a nonlinear flux condition.
R.M. Colombo
and A. Groli
On the optimization of a conservation law,
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations,
in press.
A. Groli
and C. Saccon
Bifurcation for variational inequalities with strongly indefinite quadratic part.
A. Groli
On the $\Gamma-$convergence of problems of jumping type,
Electron. J. Diff. Eqns. 60
(2003), 1-16.
A. Lucchini
, F. Menegazzo, and M. Morigi
On the existence of a complement for a finite simple group in its automorphism group.
D. Boffi
L. Gastaldi, and
G. Naldi
Applications of Maxwells equations,
In Proceedings of SIMAI 2002,
in press.
E. Detomi and A. Lucchini
Recognizing soluble groups from their probabilistic zeta function.
M. Degiovanni
A. Marzocchi
, and
A. Musesti
Edge force density and second-gradient power,
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 185
(2006), 81-103.
L. Gionfriddo, F. Rania, and A. Tripodi
Difference methods in design theory.
P. Secchi
Pointwise decay for solutions of the 2D Neumann exterior problem for the wave equation - II,
Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 108
(2002), 67-77.
P. Secchi
and Y. Shibata
On the decay of solutions to the 2D Neumann exterior problem for the wave equation,
J. Differential Equations 194
(2003), 221-236.
G. Gilardi and A. Marson
On a Penrose--Fife type system with Dirichlet boundary conditions for the temperature.
J.E. Munoz Rivera and
M.G. Naso
Exact boundary controllability in thermoelasticity with memory,
Adv. Differential Equations 8 (4)
(2003), 471-490.
L. Giuzzi
Looking for ovoids of the Hermitian surface: a computational approach.
P. Gervasio
Homogeneous and heterogeneous domain decomposition methods for plate bending problems,
Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg.,
in press.
A. Salvatore and
M. Squassina
Deformation from symmetry for nonhomogeneous Schrodinger equations of higher order on unbounded domains,
Electron. J. Differential Equations,
in press.
R.M. Colombo
and A. Marson
Conservation laws and O.D.E.s. A traffic problem.
F. Luterotti
, G. Schimperna
, and U. Stefanelli
A generalized phase relaxation model with hysteresis.
G. Bonfanti
and F. Luterotti
Convergence results for a phase transition model with vanishing microscopic acceleration.
B. Pellacci and
M. Squassina
Unbounded critical points for a class of lower semicontinuous functionals,
J. Differential Equations
in press.
R.M. Colombo
and F.S. Priuli
Characterization of Riemann Solvers for the Two Phase p-System.
M. Squassina
Spike solutions for a class of singularly perturbed quasilinear elliptic equations,
Nonlinear Anal.,
in press.
A. Salvadori
Extended functionals and approximation schemes for non-potential operators. Part I: a unified view and some new results.
L. Bardella, F. Genna, and
A. Salvadori
Extended Functionals and Approximation Schemes for Non-Potential Operators. Part II: Variational Nature of Some Time Integration Algorithms.
A. Previtali, M.C. Tamburini, and E.P. Vdovin
The Carter subgroups of some classical groups.
F. Menegazzo and M.C. Tamburini
A property of the normalizers of Sylow p-subgroups in simple groups.
R.M. Colombo
and A. Groli
On the Optimization of the Initial Boundary Value Problem for a Conservation Law,
J. Math. Anal. Appl.,
in press.
C. Franchi
Abelian sharp permutation groups,
J. Algebra,
in press.
C. Franchi
Non-abelian sharp permutation $p$-groups,
Israel J. Math.,
in press.
C. Franchi
On a class of generalized T-groups,
Glasgow Math. J. 45
(2003), 441-456.
E. Casella
P. Trebeschi
Exterior problem for the two-dimensional compressible Euler equation,
Ann. Univ. Ferrara-Sez. VII-Sc. Mat. IL
(2003), 161-167.
L. Giuzzi
and G. Korchmaros
Ovoids of the Hermitian Surface in Odd Characteristic,
Adv. Geom.,
in press.
A.M. Candela and
M. Squassina
On a class of elliptic equations for the n-Laplacian in R^n with a one-sided exponential growth,
Serdica Math. J.,
in press.
M. Vsemirnov
Automorphisms of projective spaces and min-wise independent sets of permutations.
M. Cantoni, C. Colombo Bozzolo, and G. Valeri
Verso il concetto di angolo.
R.M. Colombo
and A. Groli
Minimising Stop & Go Waves to Optimise Traffic Flow,
Appl. Math. Lett.,
in press.
C. Giorgi
and F.M. Vegni
Uniform energy estimates for the nonhomogeneous Mindlin-Timoshenko beam with memory.
E. Bonetti and G. Bonfanti
Existence and uniqueness of the solution to a 3D thermoviscoelastic system.
C. Franchi
and M. Vsemirnov
Min-wise independent groups,
European J. Combin. 24
(2003), 855-875.
Mar 09, 2025