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Fausto Borgonovi - Publications


  • 101. F.S.Lozano-Negro, E.Alvarez Navarro, N.C.Chavez, F.Mattiotti, F. Borgonovi, H.M.Pastawski and G.L.Celardo
    Universal stability of coherently diffusive one-dimensional systems with respect to decoherence
    Phy. Rev. A 109, 042213 (2024)


  • 100. Luis Benet, Fausto Borgonovi, Felix M. Izrailev, and Lea F. Santos
    Quantum-classical correspondence of strongly chaotic many-body spin models
    Phys. Rev. B 107, (2023) 155143


  • 99. Francesco Mattiotti, Mohan Sarovar, Giulio G. Giusteri, Fausto Borgonovi and G. Luca Celardo
    Efficient light harvesting and photon sensing via engineered cooperative effects
    New J. Phys. 24 (2022) 013027


  • 98. Samy Mailoud, Fausto Borgonovi and Felix M. Izrailev
    Spectrum statistics in the integrable Lieb-Liniger model
    Phys. Rev. E 104, 034212 (2021)
  • 97. Nahum C. Chávez, Francesco Mattiotti, J.A.Méndez-Bermúdez, Fausto Borgonovi, and G.Luca Celardo
    Disorder-Enhanced and Disorder-Independent Transport with Long-Range Hoppi ng: Application to Molecular Chains in Optical Cavities
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 153201 (2021)


  • 96. Francesco Mattiotti, Masaru Kuno, Fausto Borgonovi, Boldizsar Janko and G. Luca Celardo
    Thermal Decoherence of Superradiance in Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystal Superlattices
    Nano Lett. 2020, 20, 7382−7388
  • 95. Samy Mailoud, Fausto Borgonovi and Felix M Izrailev
    Process of equilibration in many-body isolated systems: diagonal versus thermodynamic entropy
    New Journal of Physics, Volume 22, August 2020, (PDF open access)
  • 94. Chahan M. Kropf, Giuseppe Luca Celardo, Claudio Giannetti and Fausto Borgonovi,
    Electric-field assisted optimal quantum transport of photo-excitations in polar heterostructures
    Physica E 120 (2020) 114023


  • 93. Chahan M. Kropf, Angelo Valli, Paolo Franceschini, Giuseppe Luca Celardo, Massimo Capone, Claudio Giannetti and Fausto Borgonovi,
    Towards high-temperature coherence-enhanced transport in heterostructures of a few atomic layers
    Phys. Rev. B 100, 035126 (2019)
  • 92. Nahum C. Chavez, Francesco Mattiotti, J.A. Mendez Bermudez, Fausto Borgonovi and Giuseppe Luca Celardo,
    Real and imaginary energy gaps: a comparison between single excitation Superradiance and Superconductivity and robustness to disorder
    Eur. Phys. J. B (2019) 92, 144 (PDF open access)
  • 91. Fausto Borgonovi, Felix M. Izrailev and Lea F. Santos,
    Timescales in the quench dynamics of many-body quantum systems: Participation ratio versus out-of-time ordered correlator
    Phys. Rev. E 99, 052143 (2019) ;
  • 90. Marco Gullì, Alessia Valzelli, Francesco Mattiotti, Mattia Angeli, Fausto Borgonovi and Giuseppe Luca Celardo
    Macroscopic coherence as an emergent property in molecular nanotubes
    New J. Phys. 21 013019 (2019) (PDF open access)
  • 89. Fausto Borgonovi and Felix M. Izrailev
    Emergence of correlations in the process of thermalization of interacting bosons
    Phys. Rev. E 99, 012115 (2019);
  • 88. Fausto Borgonovi, Felix M. Izrailev and Lea F. Santos
    Exponentially fast dynamics of chaotic many-body systems
    Phys. Rev. E 99, 010101(R) (2019);


  • 87. Yang Zhang1, G. Luca Celardo, Fausto Borgonovi and Lev Kaplan
    Transport Efficiency in Open Quantum Systems with Static and Dynamical Disorder
    AIP Conference Proceedings 1912, 020022 (2017);
  • 86. Fausto Borgonovi and Felix M. Izrailev
    Localized Thermal States
    AIP Conference Proceedings 1912, 020003 (2017);
  • 85. Yang Zhang, G. Luca Celardo, Fausto Borgonovi and Lev Kaplan
    Optimal dephasing for ballistic energy transfer in disordered linear chains
    Phys. Rev. E 96, 0521035 (2017)
  • 84. Fausto Borgonovi, Francesco Mattiotti and Felix Izrailev
    Temperature of a single chaotic eigenstate
    Phys. Rev. E 95, 042135 (2017)
  • 83. Yang Zhang, G. Luca Celardo, Fausto Borgonovi and Lev Kaplan
    Opening-assisted coherent transport in the semiclassical regime
    Phys. Rev. E 95, 022122 (2017)


  • 82. G.L. Celardo, R.Kaiser and F.Borgonovi
    Shielding and localization in the presence of long-range hopping
    Phys. Rev. B 94, 144206 (2016).
  • 81. L.F.Santos, F.Borgonovi, G.L. Celardo
    Cooperative Shielding in Many-Body Systems with Long-Range Interaction
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 250402 (2016).
  • 80. F. Borgonovi, F.M. Izrailev, L.F.Santos, V.G. Zelevinsky
    Quantum chaos and thermalization in isolated systems of interacting particles
    Physics Reports, 626 (2016).
  • 79. Giulio G. Giusteri, G. Luca Celardo, Fausto Borgonovi
    Optimal efficiency of quantum transport in a disordered trimer
    Phys. Rev. E 93 032136 (2016).


  • 78. Fausto Borgonovi and G. Luca Celardo
    A superradiance-based biological switch
    AIP Conference Proceedings 1619, 54 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4899218
  • 77. G. Luca Celardo, Paolo Poli, Luca Lussardi, and Fausto Borgonovi
    "Cooperative robustness to dephasing: Single-exciton superradiance in a nanoscale ring to model natural light-harvesting systems"
    Phys. Rev. B 90, 085142 (2014)
  • 76. G. Luca Celardo, Giulio G. Giusteri, and Fausto Borgonovi
    "Cooperative robustness to static disorder: Superradiance and localization in a nanoscale ring to model light-harvesting systems found in nature"
    Phys. Rev. B 90, 075113 (2014)
  • 75. D. Ferrari, G.L. Celardo, G.P. Berman, R.T. Sayre and F. Borgonovi
    Quantum Biological Switch Based on Superradiance Transitions
    Jour. Phys. Chem. C, 118, 20-26 (2014)


  • 74. A. Biella , F. Borgonovi , R. Kaiser and G. L. Celardo,
    " Subradiant hybrid states in the open 3D Anderson-Dicke model "
    EPL, 103 (2013) 57009
  • 73. L. Ponzoni, G. L. Celardo, F. Borgonovi, L. Kaplan, and A. Kargol
    Focusing in multiwell potentials: Applications to ion channels
    Phys. Rev. E 87, 052137, (2013))
  • 72. F. Borgonovi, G.L. Celardo
    Enhancement of the magnetic anisotropy barrier in critical long range spin systems
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 106006 (2013).
  • 71. G. L. Celardo, A. Biella, L. Kaplan, F. Borgonovi,
    " Interplay of superradiance and disorder in the Anderson Model"
    Fortschr. Phys. 61, No. 2 – 3, 250 – 260 (2013)


  • 70. G.L. Celardo, F. Borgonovi, M. Merkli, V.I. Tsifrinovich and G.P.Berman,
    "Superradiance Transition in Photosynthetic Light-Harvesting Complexes"
    Jour. Phys. Chem. C (2012) 116, 22105-22111
  • 69. M. Merkli, G.P. Berman, F. Borgonovi, V.I. Tsifrinovic
    "Creation of Two-Particle Entanglement in Open Macroscopic Quantum Systems"
    Advances in Mathematical Physics Volume 2012, Article ID 375182
  • 68. L.F.Santos, F. Borgonovi, F.Izrailev
    "Onset of chaos and relaxation in isolated systems of interacting spins: Energy shell approach"
    Phys. Rev. E 85, 036209 (2012). >
  • 67. L.F.Santos, F. Borgonovi, F.Izrailev
    "Chaos and statistical relaxation in quantum systems of interacting particles"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 094102 (2012)
  • 66. A. Ziletti, F. Borgonovi, G.L. Celardo, F.M. Izrailev, L. Kaplan, V.G. Zelevinsky
    " Coherent transport in multi-branch circuits"
    Phys. Rev. B 85, 052201 (2012)


  • 65. M.Merkli G.P. Berman, F. Borgonovi and K.Gebresellasie
    " Evolution of Entanglement of two qubits interacting through local and collective environment "
    Quantum Information and Computation, vol 11, No 5/6, 390-419 (2011)


  • 64. L. Spadafora, G. P. Berman, F. Borgonovi
    " Adiabaticity Conditions for Volatility Smile in Black-Scholes Pricing Model"
    Eur. Phys. J. B (2010), DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2010-10305-8
  • 63. F. Borgonovi, G.L.Celardo
    " Dynamics of Random Dipoles : Chaos vs ferromagnetism"
    J. Stat. Mech. P05013 (2010)


  • 62. G.P. Berman, F. Borgonovi and D.A.R. Dalvit
    " Quantum dynamical effects as a singular perturbation for observables in open quasi-classical nonlinear mesoscopic systems"
    Chaos Solitons and Fractals 41, 919-929 (2009)
  • 61. F. Borgonovi
    " Procedimenti di misurazione : predicibilita' e determinismo nelle leggi della fisica. Atti dell'incontro di Studio :
    L'Economia Quantitativa diventera' una tecnologia del futuro? (2009).


  • 60. F. Borgonovi, G. L. Celardo, B. Goncalves and L. Spadafora,
    " Magnetic reversal time in open long-range systems",
    Physical Review E, 77 061119 (2008)
  • 59. F. Borgonovi,
    " I Computer Quantistici",
    Brescia Ricerche, n.65 anno XVIII, 30-33 (2008)


  • 58. G.P.Berman, A.R.Bishop, F.Borgonovi, V.I.Tsifrinovich
    "Controllable Adiabatic Manipulation of the Qubit State",
    International Journal of Quantum Information (IJQI) 5, No 5 667-672 (2007)


  • 57. G.P.Berman, F.Borgonovi, V.N.Gorshov, V.I.Tsifrinovich
    " Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy and a Single-Spin Measurement"
    World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (2006)
  • 56. R. Trasarti-Battistoni F. Borgonovi and G.L. Celardo
    " The Topological Nonconnectivity Threshold and magnetic phase transitions in classical anisotropic long-range interacting spin systems"
    Eur. Phys. J. B, 50 69 (2006)
  • 55.F. Borgonovi, G. L. Celardo, A. Musesti, R. Trasarti-Battistoni, and P. Vachal
    " Topological nonconnectivity threshold in long-range spin systems"
    Phys. Rev. E 73, 026116 (2006)
  • 54. G. L. Celardo, J. Barre', F. Borgonovi, and S. Ruffo,
    " Time scale for magnetic reversal and the topological nonconnectivity threshold"
    Phys. Rev. E, 73 011108 (2006)
  • 53. F. Borgonovi G.L. Celardo and R. Trasarti-Battistoni
    " The topological non-connectivity threshold in quantum long-range interacting spin systems"
    Eur. Phys. J. B, 50 27 (2006)


  • 52. F. Borgonovi G.L. Celardo and G. P. Berman,
    " Quantum signatures of the classical topological nonconnectivity threshold"
    Phys. Rev. B, 72, 224416 (2005)
  • 51. G. P. Berman, F. Borgonovi and V. I. Tsifrinovich
    " Theory of frequency shifts in the oscillating cantilever-driven adiabatic reversals technique as a function of the spin location"
    Phys. Rev. B, 72, 224406 (2005)
  • 50. G. P. Berman, F. Borgonovi and V. I. Tsifrinovich
    " A model for quantum jumps in magnetic resonance force microscopy"
    Physics Letters A, 337, 161-165 (2005)
  • 49. G. P. Berman, F. Borgonovi, V.N.Gorshkov and V. I. Tsifrinovich
    "Modeling and Simulations of a Single-Spin Measurement Using MRFM"
    IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 4, 14-20, (2005)


  • 48. G. P. Berman, F. Borgonovi and V. I. Tsifrinovich
    "Wave function collapses in a single spin magnetic resonance force microscopy"
    Physics Letters A, 331 187-192 (2004).
  • 47. G. P. Berman, F. Borgonovi, Z. Rinkevicius and V. I. Tsifrinovich,
    "Single-spin measurements for quantum computation using magnetic resonance force microscopy",
    Superlattices and Microstructures, Vol. 34, Iss. 3-6, September-December 2003, Pages 509-511,
    Proceedings of the joint 6th International Conference on New Phenomena in Mesoscopic Structures
    and 4th International Conference on Surfaces and Interfaces of Mesoscopic Devices - Edited by J. P. Bird
  • 46. G.P.Berman, A.R.Bishop, F.Borgonovi, and D.A.R.Dalvit
    "Survival of quantum effects for observables after decoherence"
    Phys. Rev. A 69, 062110 (2004)
  • 45. F.Borgonovi, G.L.Celardo, M.Maianti and E.Pedersoli
    "Broken Ergodicity in Classically Chaotic Spin Systems"
    Journal of Statistical Physics, vol 116 n 5/6, (2004) 235
  • 44. G.P.Berman, F.Borgonovi and V.I.Tsifrinovich,
    "Quantum dynamics of the Oscillating Cantilever-Driven Reversal in Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy",
    Quantum Information and Computation, 4, 102-113 (2004).
  • 43. G.P.Berman, F.Borgonovi, F.M.Izrailev and A.Smerzi,
    "Irregular dynamics in a one-dimensional Bose system"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 030404, (2004)


  • 42. G.P.Berman, F.Borgonovi, G.V.Lopez and V.I.Tsifrinovich
    "Transient dynamics in magnetic force microscopy for a single-spin measurement"
    Phys. Rev. A 68, 012102 (2003)
  • 41. G.P.Berman, F.Borgonovi, G.Chapline, S.A.Gurvitz, P.C.Hammel, D.V.Pelekhov, A.Suter and V.I.Tsifrinovich
    "Application of magnetic resonance force microscopy cyclic adiabatic inversion for a single-spin measurement"
    J. Phys. A : Math. and General 36, 4417 (2003)
  • 40. G. P. Berman, F. Borgonovi, Hsi-Sheng Goan, S.A.Gurvitz and V.I.Tsifrinovich
    "Single spin measurement and decoherence in magnetic resonance force microscopy",
    Phys. Rev. B 67, 094425 (2003).


  • 39. G. P. Berman, F.Borgonovi, G.Celardo, F.M.Izrailev and D.I.Kamenev
    "Dynamical fidelity of a solid-state quantum computer"
    Phys. Rev. E 66, 056206 (2002).
  • 38. G. P. Berman, F. Borgonovi, G. Chapline, P. C. Hammel, and V. I. Tsifrinovich,
    "Magnetic-resonance force microscopy measurement of entangled spin states",
    Phys. Rev. A 66, 032106 (2002).
  • 37. F.Borgonovi, G.Celardo, F.M.Izrailev and G.Casati
    "A semiquantal approach to finite systems of interacting particles"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 54101 (2002).
  • 36. G.P.Berman, F.Borgonovi, F.M.Izrailev, V.I.Tsifrinovich,
    " Avoiding quantum chaos in quantum computation " ,
    Phys. Rev E 65, 015204 (2002).


  • 35. G.P.Berman, F.Borgonovi, F.M.Izrailev, V.I.Tsifrinovich,
    " Delocalization border and Onset of Chaos in a model of Quantum Computation "
    Phys. Rev. E 64, 056226 (2001).
  • 34. G.P.Berman, F.Borgonovi, F.M.Izrailev, V.I.Tsifrinovich,
    "Single-Pulse preparation of the Uniform superpositional state used in quantum algorithms",
    Physics Letters A, 291/4-5 232 (2001)


  • 33. F.Borgonovi and F.M.Izrailev
    "Classical statistical mechanics of a few body interacting spin model",
    Phys. Rev. E, 62, 6475 (2000).


  • 32. F.Borgonovi, P.Conti, D.Rebuzzi, B.Hu and B.Li
    "Cantori and dynamical localization in the Bunimovich Stadium",
    Physica D, 131 , n.1-4, 317, (1999).


  • 31. F.Borgonovi,
    "Localization in discontinuous quantum systems"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 , 4653 (1998).
  • 30. F.Borgonovi, I.Guarneri and F.M.Izrailev,
    "Quantum-Classical Correspondence in Energy Space: Two Interacting Spin-Particles",
    Phys. Rev. E 57 , 5291 (1998).
  • 29. F.Borgonovi, I.Guarneri, F.M.Izrailev and G.Casati,
    "Chaos and Thermalization in a Dynamical Model of Two Interacting Particles",
    Physics Letter A, 247 , 140 (1998)
  • 28. F.Borgonovi and G.Casati,
    " Ergodic properties of quantum conservative systems",
    Frontiers of Quantum Physics , S.C.Lim, R.Abd-Shukor and K-H-Kwek eds., Springer-Verlag,
    Singapore 127, (1998)


  • 27. F.Borgonovi and D.L.Shepelyansky,
    " Particle propagation in a random and quasi-periodic potential",
    Physica D 109 (1997) 24.


  • 26. F.Borgonovi,
    "Adiabatic destruction of Anderson localization",
    Correlated Fermions and Transport in Mesoscopic Systems ,
    Proceedings of the XXXIst Rencontres de Moriond,
    ed. T.Martin, G.Montambaux, J.Tran Thanh Van, Editions Frontieres, France (1996), 465
  • 25. F.Borgonovi, G.Casati and B.Li,
    "Diffusion and Localization in Chaotic Billiards",
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 , 4744, (1996).
  • 24. F.Borgonovi and D.L.Shepelyansky,
    "Effect of noise for two interacting particles in a random potential",
    Europhys. Lett. 35 , 517, (1996).
  • 23. F.Borgonovi,
    "Point charges between two grounded conducting intersecting planes: a dynamical system approach"
    Eur. J. Phys. 17 , 216 (1996).
  • 22. F.Borgonovi and D.L.Shepelyansky,
    "Two interacting particles in an effective 2--3--d random potential"
    Jour. de Phys. I 6 , 287 (1996)


  • 21. F.Borgonovi and D.L.Shepelyansky,
    "Enhancement of localization length for two interacting kicked rotators"
    Nonlinearity, vol.8, n5, 877 (1995).
  • 20. F.Borgonovi and L.Rebuzzini,
    "Translational invariance in the kicked harmonic oscillator"
    Phys. Rev. E 52 , 2302 (1995).
  • 19. F.Borgonovi and I.Guarneri,
    "Fractal versus quasiclassical diffusive transport in a class of quantum systems",
    Phys. Rev. B 52 , 3374 (1995).
  • 18. F.Borgonovi and D.Shepelyansky,
    "Adiabatic destruction of Anderson localization",
    Phys. Rev. E, 51 , 1026, (1995).
  • 17. F.Borgonovi and D.Shepelyansky,
    "Spectral Variety in the kicked Harper model",
    Europhys. Lett. 29 , 117, (1995).


  • 16. F.Borgonovi, I.Guarneri, L.Rebuzzini,
    "Chaotic Diffusion and the Statistic of Universal Scattering Fluctuations",
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 72 , (1994), 1463.
  • 15. R.Artuso, F.Borgonovi, G.Casati, I.Guarneri, L.Rebuzzini,
    "Fractal and dynamical properties of the kicked Harper model",
    Int. Jour. of Modern Phys. B 8 , (1994), 207


  • 14. F.Borgonovi, I.Guarneri,
    "S-matrix fluctuations in a model with classical diffusion and quantum localization"
    Phys. Rev. E, Rapid Communication 48 , (1993), 2347.
  • 13. I.Guarneri,F.Borgonovi
    "Generic properties of a class of translation invariant quantum maps",
    Jour. Phys. A Math. Gen. 26 (1993), 119-132.
  • 12. F.Borgonovi, D.L.Shepelyansky,
    "Breaking of analyticity in 2 coupled Frenkel-Kontorova chains"
    Europhy. Lett., vol. 21 , n.4 (1993), 413.


  • 11. R.Artuso, F.Borgonovi, I.Guarneri, L.Rebuzzini, G.Casati,
    " Phase diagram in the Kicked Harper Model ",
    Physical Review Letters, vol. 69 , n. 23, (1992), 3302.
  • 10. F.Borgonovi, I.Guarneri,
    "Irregular Scattering and Quantum Transport Fluctuations",
    J. Phys. A, Math. Gen. 25 , (1992), 3239.
  • 9. F.Borgonovi, I.Guarneri,
    "A model for Irregular Scattering in the presence of localization"
    Proceeding of the NATO school on Quantum Chaos, P.Cvitanovic et al. (eds.),
    Quantum Chaos - Quantum Measurement (1992), 73-80.


  • 8. F.Borgonovi, I.Guarneri, D.L.Shepelyansky,
    "Statistics of Quantum Lifetimes in a Classically Chaotic System",
    Phys. Rev. A, vol. 43 , n.8, (1991), 4517.


  • 7. F.Borgonovi, I.Guarneri, D.L.Shepelyansky,
    "Destruction of Classical Cantori in the Quantum Frenkel Kontorova Model",
    Zeitschrift fur Physik B. 79, 133-142 (1990).


  • 6 F.Borgonovi,
    "Analysis and phenomenology of Quantum Stochasticity"
    University of Pavia (PhD Thesis) (1989).
  • 5 F.Borgonovi,
    "Transport phenomena in Hamiltonian systems",
    Scientifica Acta, vol.IV, Anno IV, n.3, (1989), 49 .
  • 4. F.Borgonovi, I.Guarneri, D.L.Shepelyansky,
    "Quantum Effects in the Frenkel Kontorova Model",
    Physical Review Letters, vol. 63 , n.19, (1989), 2010.


  • 3 F.Borgonovi,
    "Methods of Analytical Dilations in non-Relativistic Quantum systems",
    Scientifica Acta, vol.III, Anno III, n.1, (1988), 3 .
  • 2. F.Borgonovi, I.Guarneri, P.Sempio,
    "Long Time Decay Properties of Kepler Map",
    Il Nuovo Cimento, vol. 102 B , n.2, (1988), 151


  • 1 F. Borgonovi,
    "Generalized Stochastic Processes in Quantum Field Theory
    Thesis , University of Milan (1984).