Quaderni del Seminario Matematico: 1996
ISSN: 2039-120X
B. Bigolin and C. Perelli Cippo
- Famiglie integrali di getti (sopra varietà algebriche)
e fibrati B e C, I.
B. Bigolin and C. Perelli Cippo
- Famiglie integrali di getti (sopra varietà algebriche)
e fibrati B e C, II.
C. Perelli Cippo
- I fibrati delle bandiere integrali ordinarie e caratteristiche
di un sistema differenziale esterno su una varietà.
L. Di Martino,
M.C. Tamburini Bellani, and A.E. Zalesskii
Carter subgroups in classical groups,
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 55
(1997), 264-276.
M. Prandelli
- A residual property of certain free products with amalgamation.
M.L. Bernardi, G. Bonfanti
, and F. Luterotti
- On some abstract variable domain hyperbolic differential equations,
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 174
(1998), 209-239.
M.L. Bernardi, G. Bonfanti
, and F. Luterotti
- Abstract Schroedinger-type differential equations with variable
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 211
(1997), 84-105.
G. Bianchi and
A. Marzocchi
- Inertial manifold for the motion of strongly damped nonlinear
elastic beams.
D. Gorgaini
- Le sottoalgebre semplici di Mat (n,Fq).
A. Benini and S. Pellegrini
- Weakly divisible nearrings.
G. Bonfanti
, P.L. Colli
, M. Grasselli, and F. Luterotti
- Non smooth kernels in a phase relaxation problem with memory,
Nonlinear Anal. 32
(1998), 455-465.
G. Bonfanti
- A vanishing viscosity approach to a two degree of freedom
contact problem in linear elasticity with friction,
Ann. Univ. Ferrara Sez. VII (N.S.) XLII
(1996), 127-154.
M. Degiovanni
and L. Morbini
Closed geodesics with Lipschitz obstacle,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 233
(1999), 767-789.
F. Dalla Volta, A. Lucchini
, and
M.C. Tamburini Bellani
On the conjugacy problem for Carter subgroups,
Comm. in Algebra,
in press.
H. Bercovici and V. Pata
Stable laws and domains of attraction in free probability theory,
Ann. of Math. (2),
in press.
C. Giorgi
and E. Vuk
Extremum principles in electromagnetism,
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2),
in press.
P. Secchi
- A symmetric positive system with nonuniformly characteristic
Differential Integral Equations 11
(1998), 605--622.
P. Secchi
- Inflow-outflow problems for inviscid compressible fluids,
Commun. Appl. Anal. 2
(1998), 81--110.
Mar 09, 2025