Quaderni del Seminario Matematico: 1997
ISSN: 2039-120X
A. Lucchini
- Some prosoluble groups containing a dense free subgroup.
C. Giorgi
M.G. Naso
On the exponential stability of a linear non-Fourier
thermoviscoelastic bar.
G. Bonfanti
and F. Luterotti
- Global solution to a phase-field model with
memory and quadratic nonlinearity,
Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. 9
(1999), 523-538.
G. Bonfanti
- A n degree of freedom frictional contact problem in
linear elasticity with vanishing viscosity.
M.C. Tamburini Bellani and P. Zucca
Generation of certain matrix groups by three
involutions, two of which commute,
J. Algebra 195
(1997), 650-661.
H. Karzel and E. Zizioli
- Extension of a class of fibered loops to kinematic spaces.
A. Benini and F. Morini
Wd-nearrings on the group of integers (mod p).
C. Giorgi
A. Marzocchi
, and V. Pata
Asymptotic behavior of a semilinear problem in heat conduction
with memory,
NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl. 5
(1998), 333-354.
G. Bonfanti
and F. Luterotti
- Regularity and convergence results for a
phase-field model with memory,
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 21
(1998), 1085-1105.
H. Bercovici and V. Pata
Functions of regular variation and freely stable laws.
V. Pata and A. Zucchi
- Hyperinvariant subspaces of C0-operators over a
multiply connected region.
C. Giorgi
A. Marzocchi
, and V. Pata
Uniform attractors for a non-autonomous semilinear
heat equation with memory,
Quart. Appl. Math. 58
(2000), 661-683.
C. Giorgi
M.G. Naso
Exponential energy decay in a linear viscoelastic bar
with thermal memory,
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 178
(2000), 45-66.
J.M. Abe and G. Resconi
- Multilevel uncertainty logic.
I. Campa and
M. Degiovanni
Subdifferential calculus and nonsmooth critical point theory,
SIAM J. Optim. 10
(2000), 1020-1048.
H. Bercovici and V. Pata
A free analogue of Hincin's characterization of infinite divisibility.
V. Pata
Lebesgue measurability and continuity of real functions.
V. Pata, G. Prouse, and M. I. Vishik
Travelling waves of dissipative non-autonomous hyperbolic equations
in a strip,
Adv. Differential Equations,
in press.
P. Secchi
Full regularity of solutions to a nonuniformly characteristic
boundary value problem for symmetric positive systems,
Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. 10
(2000), 39--55.
A. Benini and F. Morini
On the construction of a class of weakly divisible nearrings.
M. Degiovanni
A. Marzocchi
, and
A. Musesti
Cauchy fluxes associated with tensor fields having divergence measure,
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 147
(1999), 197-223.
G. Bonfanti
and F. Luterotti
Asymptotic analysis to a phase-field model
with a nonsmooth memory kernel,
J. Convex Anal. 6
(1999), 41-57.
L. Castelnuovi and
C. Giorgi
Energie libere in viscoelasticita' lineare con rilassamento
di tipo esponenziale.
Mar 09, 2025