Quaderni del Seminario Matematico: 2006

ISSN: 2039-120X

[Anno precedente] [2006] [Anno successivo]

[01/2006] L. Giuzzi [mail] and A. Sonnino
Alcune note introduttive sulla crittografia.

[02/2006] L. Giuzzi [mail]
On the intersection of Hermitian Surfaces.

[03/2006] D. Boffi [mail], L. Gastaldi, and L. Heltai
A finite element approach to the immersed boundary method.

[04/2006] D. Boffi [mail] and L. Gastaldi
Interpolation estimates for edge finite elements and application to band gap computation, Applied Numerical Mathematics 56 (2006), 1283-1292.

[05/2006] M. Degiovanni [mail] and S. Lancelotti [mail]
Linking over cones and nontrivial solutions for p-Laplace equations with p-superlinear nonlinearity, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 24 (2007), 907-919.

[06/2006] R.M. Colombo [mail] and M. Garavello
A Well Posed Riemann Problem for the p-System at a Junction.

[07/2006] A. Salvadori [mail]
Hypersingular boundary integral equations and the approximation of the stress tensor.

[08/2006] R.M. Colombo [mail] and M. Garavello
On the $p$-System at a Junction.

[09/2006] M. Fabrizio, C. Giorgi [mail], and A. Morro
A non-isothermal phase-field approach to the second-sound transition in solids, Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis. B 121 (2006), 383-399.

[10/2006] R.M. Colombo [mail] and M.D. Rosini
Well Posedness of Balance Laws with Non--Characteristic Boundary.

[11/2006] H. Havlicek
Divisible Designs, Laguerre Geometry, and beyond.

[12/2006] E. Detomi and A. Lucchini [mail]
Non-prosoluble profinite groups with a rational probabilistic zeta function.

[13/2006] E. Damian and A. Lucchini [mail]
Finite groups with $p$-multiplicative probabilistic zeta.

[14/2006] S. Pasotti [mail]
The canonical model for algebraic curves.

[15/2006] E. Bonetti and G. Bonfanti [mail]
Well-posedness results for a model of damage in thermoviscoelastic materials.

[16/2006] S. Pasotti [mail]
On translation structures with a normal principal line.

[17/2006] R.M. Colombo [mail] and M. Garavello
On the Cauchy Problem for the p-System at a Junction.

[18/2006] V. Berti, M. Fabrizio, and C. Giorgi [mail]
A phase-field model with fourth-order nonlinearity for first-order transitions in thermal insulators, Physica D 236 (2007), 13-21.

[19/2006] G. Bellettini [mail], V. Beorchia, and M. Paolini [mail]
Topological and variational properties of a model for the reconstruction of three-dimensional transparent images with self-occlusions.

[20/2006] M. Novaga and M. Paolini [mail]
Nonuniqueness for crystalline curvature flow.

[21/2006] R.M. Colombo [mail] and C. Mauri
Euler System for Compressible Fluids at a Junction.

[22/2006] A. Lucchini [mail] and M.C. Tamburini Bellani
Nilpotent groups of semilinear transformations which are monomial.

[23/2006] A. Blunck and S. Pianta [mail]
Lines in 3-space, Mitt. Math. Ges. Hamburg 27 (2008), 189-202.

[24/2006] P. Gervasio [mail]
Convergence analysis of high order algebraic fractional step schemes for time-dependent Stokes equations., This paper has been published in revised form in SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 46 (2008), 1682-1703.


Mar 09, 2025