Quaderni del Seminario Matematico: 2007
ISSN: 2039-120X
A. Giacomini
and M. Ponsiglione
Non interpenetration of matter for SBV-deformations of hyperelastic brittle materials.
D. Boffi
L. Gastaldi, L. Heltai, and C.S. Peskin
A note on the Hyper-Elastic Formulation of the Immersed Boundary Method.
D. Boffi
L. Gastaldi, and L. Heltai
Numerical stability of the finite element immersed boundary method.
A. Pasotti
Complete mappings in some orthogonal groups.
A. Salvadori
A plasticity framework for fracture mechanics.
R.M. Colombo
, M. Herty, and V. Sachers
On 2 × 2 Conservation Laws at a Junction.
A. Mielke, R. Rossi
, and G. Savaré
A metric approach to a class of doubly nonlinear evolution equations and applications.
M. Fabrizio,
C. Giorgi
, and A. Morro
A continuum theory for first-order phase transitions based on the balance of structure order,
Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 31
(2008), 627-653.
R.M. Colombo
and M. Garavello
Phase Transition Model for Traffic at a Junction.
C. Giorgi
, V. Pata, and E. Vuk
On the Extensible Viscoelastic Beam,
Nonlinearity 21
(2008), 713-733.
V. Berti, M. Fabrizio, and
C. Giorgi
A phase-field model for first-order transitions with memory,
Differential Integral Equations 21
(2008), 325-350.
E. Rocca and R. Rossi
Analysis of a nonlinear degenerating PDE system for phase transitions in thermoviscoelastic materials.
G. Bellettini
, V. Beorchia
, and
M. Paolini
An explicit formula for a Bennequin-type invariant for apparent contours (preliminar version).
A. Benini and M.A. Pellegrini
Finite weakly divisible nearrings.
G. Bonfanti
, J.E. Munoz Rivera, and
M.G. Naso
Global existence and exponential stability for a contact problem between two thermoelastic beams,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 345 (1)
(2008), 186-202.
B. Bigolin and C. Perelli Cippo
Osservazioni sulle varietà non caratteristiche e caratteristiche dei sistemi differenziali esterni associati a sistemi differenziali su varietà, I.
M.C. Tamburini Bellani and M.A. Vsemirnov
Irreducible (2,3,7)-sungroups of PGL(n,F), n<8, II.
E. Zizioli
Semidirect Product of Loops and Fibrations.
A. Morando
, Y. Trakhinin, and
P. Trebeschi
Stability of incompressible current-vortex sheets.
A. Blunck, S. Pasotti
, and S. Pianta
Generalized Clifford parallelisms,
Innov. Incidence Geom. 11
(2010), 197-212.
A. Giacomini
L. Lussardi
Quasistatic evolution for a model in strain gradient plasticity.
E. Ferrara Dentice
Algebraic varieties intersection of quadrics: combinatorial characterizations and embeddability.
Mar 09, 2025